Friday, December 12, 2008

Hardon In Public Shower

1st meeting between agents of social intervention in support or migration.

The current situation in the field of social intervention
For several years, but more intensely since 2007, migrants, professionals, volunteers or employees in companies in the field of immigration, we have seen puzzled how troubling changes began to occur in public policies and resources aimed at migrants : closure devices, reducing the number of seats on host resources, reorientation of services based on unrealistic ideas, etc ...

addition, the current context of "economic crisis" is a justification for the Administration to In defending the budget cuts on social services.

On the other hand, in Europe we find a migration policy with an increasingly more restrictive and securitarian, attending only to their own economic needs and labor of the European states, regardless of the rights of migrants, which in most cases are forced to leave their countries for various reasons (hunger, war, persecution, or lack of future prospects), in which Northern countries have much to do.

In the case of Spain, and wander through the line of privatization are also adopting policies that are inconsistent doomed to exclusion of migrants who are now in English territory.

NGOs act as managers of services forgetting increasingly critical role in social transformation: the lack of capital, and dependence on government subsidies, places them in an unfortunate situation in which his main interest is economic (for their own survival).

setting a little more look, see how the star intervention professionals increasingly precarious situation (low wages, job insecurity, work overload, pressure from the authorities, too many responsibilities, etc ...), which negatively affects the care they receive migrants.

The result is a total FRUSTRATION: migrants who feel neglected, professionals are increasingly further away the object of his profession, perversion of the motivations, institutional barriers ...

Other agents of alternative organizations (platforms, groups, community centers, etc ...) have developed new meeting spaces with migrants tending to the horizontal, which generate richer forms of interaction between migrants and locals, becoming footholds and generate accompanying very useful for migrants. Are effective, but voluntary and activist (lack of financial resources, limited human resources, etc ...) can not cover everything that are not meeting the formal organizations. Nor is this the intention.

Possibilities for Reflection and Action

What do we propose?
Promote a space where to @ s (@ s workers, migrants, s volunteers, worked @ s) in which we act out our views on the current situation and discuss options for action available to us.

Through a First which seeks to accommodate all the voices, views will be presented will define problems and obstacles, look for intersections, and think up new avenues.

The purpose of this First Meeting is to begin to define future strategies to improve services in the broad sense that target migrants, not only with regard to the care provided, but also as regards working conditions for professionals: QUALITY TOD @ S.

A meeting

to tod @ s the Implicad @ s ( @ s worker / migrant / s volunteer / contributor @ s )

I hope the December 18, 20:00 pm, in Wonderland Patio

(c /. Agreement No. 8, Metro: NOVITIATE )

Do not settle.

s Together we can change it.

For more information :

- Platform Closed XSI "

- Underground Railroad

- Social Center SECO -

Monday, December 8, 2008

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wella Versus Redken Browns

Inequality and stock market

What happens to public policy on immigration in Madrid?

The Integration Plan and the Madrid Plan
In 2004 and 2006, and Madrid City Council had, respectively, two separate plans of action to address the challenge posed by the increasing foreign population in this community, occurred in recent years.

Integration Plan 2006-08 of the Community of Madrid (known as Plan of integration) was conceived as a bi Plan, as stated seek the involvement of both the indigenous population and the migrant population in the pursuit of social integration. On paper, the Plan did not contemplate, in general, opening new devices, but the strengthening and empowerment through programs, activities, courses, campaigns and studies of existing resources, in areas as diverse as employment, housing, education, social services, health, public opinion, participation ... As a key devices within the diversity management, provided for the consolidation of the CASI (Center for Immigrant Social Care), whose functions would complement the establishment of CEPI (Center for Participation and Integration), designed as meeting places between locals and migrants, though separated by national origin.

For its part, the City of Madrid, Madrid had its first Plan Intercultural Social Affairs (known simply as Madrid Plan) as an innovative and ambitious, as it claims to want to go beyond the mere integration of the migrant population "chasing the momentum and improve coexistence between all local citizens." City Council action was defined along three axes (joint coexistence model, standardization in access to resources and the promotion and improvement of living) to be distributed among 37 devices start-ups, but ultimately come to only 34 materialize.


already the norm in the field of social intervention, management of the resources of both the Integration Plan and the Madrid Plan was engaged with a range of NGOs, foundations and social enterprises, Red Cross, CEAR, Group 5, MPDL , ACCEM, Independent or The Distaff Foundation were some of them.

rising inequality
This year, both plans come to an end. In the period that separates us from the start, the result we find, in socioeconomic terms, does not seem hopeful. Are infinite the indicators tell us about a growing inequality between the English and the foreign population: the Bank of Spain in its 2007 report, spoke of greater job mobility and greater seasonality of immigrants-more than half have a temporary contract, compared with less than a third of the English, the latest data from INEM put the unemployment rate immigrants in a 16.46%, compared to 9.34% of the English, in turn, reflected the INE, in the same working conditions, foreigners earn between 20-35% less than the English.

On the other hand, at European level can be seen a significant increase in institutional racism, which is reflected in many of the new legal regulations (the most obvious, the so-called "return directive" and modifications introduced by the new government of Berlusconi). In several countries, have won at the polls presidents speeches openly anti-immigrant securitarian (Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel ...), at the same time, through television, we are coming episodes of popular racism, perhaps, one of most spectacular images ever see again in Italy, with arson in two camps in Romania.

However, this analysis seems to escape the government. Although both the Community and Madrid City Council pushed for the equality (understood as access, on equal terms to the same opportunities as other of Madrid) and normalization (to avoid the generation of procedures, devices or services which are segregated for all citizens) as guiding principles in their respective plans, public evaluation of the results is limited to a quantification absolute terms the actions taken, without doing a serious analysis of the real social impact, neglecting or trying very superficially comparative socioeconomic data, which would assess whether such actions have actually reversed in greater social equality and standardization, and completely leaving aside any qualitative analysis of the process of integration and coexistence real.

Closures, cutbacks and changes as manager
On the other hand, although plans are valued very highly, the fact is that in the past two years, many resources have been closed , downsizing or managing change. This is the case of the 18 almost entirely in the Integration Plan, of which only four, with a closing scheduled for late this year. It is true that we are launching new CASI, in new locations (provides a total of 6, a number far less than existing and will have to cover much larger areas of performance with fewer resources), but even so, investment of time, public money and human capital in infrastructure, staff training and development of references and a social network around the first CASI, essential for proper functioning, literally pulling away with closure. The closures have not affected only to devices of the Community of Madrid: the School of Living or the Legal Service on Racism and Xenophobia, the Madrid Plan of City Hall, are closed to less than 2 years of opening.

Something similar happens with the changes of the managing unmotivated. Even if the device is maintained, the change in the institution who are hired without that there was no embezzlement or serious problem in the way, is always an unwarranted change in the template and, therefore, a loss of reference persons for users. On the other hand, these changes always involve a temporary suspension of operation of resources supposedly 'public', leaving in the lurch to many users and, at times, keeping 'kidnapped' often vital records (for example, users who are in the pipeline permits residence or open criminal proceedings). This happened with the change management and Home Care Program Temporary Sub-Saharan origin population, which increased from 5 to CEAR Group, with a significant reduction in budget, and thus remained closed 2 months.

In turn, given the excellence that can be read in public assessments of the Madrid Plan, surprised the budget and staffing cuts that have affected critical resources such as translation and interpreting service, which has been reduced to a mere call-center, or the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Coexistence of the City of Madrid, where they have eliminated the wide-ranging studies, only able to account for the increase in inequality and other major social trends of change.

social institutions "And what?
Against this background of general instability, where they spread the rumors of other closings, reductions and management changes where adjudicciones of management contracts so often depend on good relations with management, access to privileged information and the ability minimize the budget precarious resources, both for workers and users, NGOs, foundations and companies just entering social intervention in fierce competition with each other, making the third sector in a market of stocks, where the "critical" may be reduced to a product brand "social."

It's time to take some distance critically and ask some questions. Behind the headlines and full color assessments of integration and partnership plans, do you have the leaders and managers of the community and city of Madrid a city model in the head or rather work all at the mercy of small agreements emergencies and promotional needs and votes? Do NGOs and associations involved in any plans own evaluation of what has happened and any intervention strategy for the future, with its own criteria? Towards what cohabitation model advances the city of Madrid, affected by these plans, but also by institutional racism inscribed in the legal mechanisms regulation of immigration, trends in increased social inequality between immigrants and natives and the making and unmaking of its millions of citizens?

Porsicierran Rosa,
Madrid, September 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

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Majadahonda The CASI closes on Wednesday

04/30/2008 - Celia G. Naranjo - Photos: Porsicierran Borders.

The Madrid on Wednesday officially closed Social Service Center for Immigrants (CASI) of Majadahonda. Workers complain that they have been about 280 cases opened.
On Tuesday, workers CASI Majadahonda, managed by the company Group 5, final preparations for closing. After packing all the documentation to send to the Immigration, alert users to locate and refer users to the 18 emergency shelter spaces to other CASI, employees who knew the "advance" the closing date the center, held a small 'farewell party' with drums.


the CASI, which served the people of Majadahonda, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Boadilla del Monte, Las Rozas, Las Matas, Brunete, Quijorna, and Villanueva de la Cañada Villanueva del Pardillo, spent an average of 1,500 people a year, according to workers . "The only thing that will now be referenced in the area is the CEPI Hispano-Peruano," said a spokeswoman for the Platform Porsicierran Borders. "But this device does not have childcare facilities, there is no individual interventions and will be very underserved population," he said.

Sources from the Ministry of Immigration assured Madridiario contest has come to management a new CASI that will serve the same municipalities which closed on Wednesday (West zone) and Group 5, which also manages the Getafe, has been presented, as well as the other three open procedures for three other similar centers characteristics. In this way, they said, the new devices will be located in Madrid (two), the south and west of the region.

CASI is the third that the Ministry is closed so far this year. In January, both of Móstoles like Carabanchel stopped working. Although the Porsicierran Borders fears that in the weeks to follow suit with similar centers located Center, Tetuan, Villalba and Chamberí, the regional government ensures that these devices will not disappear in the region, because "the municipalities are taking on these functions through regional funding."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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closure continues Agenda

CASI (Center for Immigrant Social Care) - Madrid

in January 2008 so silenced closed two of the Department of Social Care and Carabanchel Immigrant Mostoles. Corresponding to a new policy social services managed from the Regional Government of Esperanza Aguirre. Tomorrow

April 30 officially closes the Social Care Center Township immigrants almost Majadahonda (C / Santa Ana, 17), which served a population of approximately 1,000 people per year and had 18 people receiving .

This ALMOST managed by Group 5 since 2006 covered the population residing in the neighboring towns of Pozuelo de Alarcón, Boadilla del Monte, Las Rozas, Las Matas, Brunete, Quijorna, and Villanueva de la Cañada Villanueva del Pardillo.

is the third closing CASI this year, continuing a long agenda of closures during 2008. Currently, since the administration declared that this change corresponds to a centralization of services to foreign population by area: north, south, east, west.

On March 10 have been published specifications for the management of four new ALMOST two in Madrid and two others in western and southern areas of the Community of Madrid.

The contest was open from 11 to 25 March, coincidentally coinciding with the Easter , current regulatory basis no provision of legal assistance socio-oriented nor target population also will be several municipalities with one ALMOST by geographic area having the same team in charge.

Ultimately, fewer professionals serve a much larger population and municipalities as

Majadahonda, Villalba, Galapagar, remain unattended.

Closed Platform For if

Sunday, April 13, 2008

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Listen retransmit the demo on the web Breaking the Silence

Friday, April 11, 2008

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CIE CIE Aluche

Platform " In case closed Borders" in his desire to serve as a forum for meeting and exchange among professionals in the social field (and field of migration in particular), to the serious events that have occurred during this ICN week Aluche and complaints about alleged domestic abuse, has decided to serve as a platform for the statements expressed by a large number of professionals working in different organizations to develop programs and comprehensive humanitarian shelter to people in an irregular situation and that their voices are reflected in the organizations in performing their tasks.


As workers from different organizations are developing programs and comprehensive humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants, we perform a series of clarification regarding the information appearing on the Service Processing Center Aluche:

  • None of the organizations that are conducting humanitarian assistance programs and comprehensive people RCFs outputs have access to the interior of the same, what is not true that there are perform social tasks by these organizations within centers. The work of these organizations starts at the door of the CIE, when picking up people who just left the detention center, to be transferred to their respective host programs. We can attest to this, because we are some of us @ s @ s who carry out these tasks.
  • Given the allegations which have emerged as social professionals demand to be carried out the necessary investigations, and to identify responsibilities if the allegations are true.
  • We demand
    observe compliance with the Human Rights in the treatment of immigrants within the centers.
  • demand that increase transparency in the management of these centers, the opaque spaces that social organizations have no access.
  • We want to express some social groups such as " The Underground Railroad" or the " Office of Social Rights Patio Wonderland" can not be described in terms used by the Confederacy English Police : "alleged Waste and minority NGOs, have lied and are using the immigration phenomenon and suffering for some immigrants posed by this situation as leverage to justify their outputs in the media since its radical activity does not manage to place in space social ".
  • From here, we want to make clear that both groups are doing an outstanding job performing unpaid volunteer work. In most cases these are highly qualified professionals working for social organizations , and decided to spend some free time to cover necessary services for the population (services that are being offered by NGOs or from the administration due to lack of capacity to identify needs or directly to the lack of political will).
  • Finally, we hope that the statements made do not lead to a polarization of positions, but simply to contribute to greater collaboration and communication among all entities (organizations or administration, including here the Forces of State Security ) related to the care of migrants, so that any violation of human rights can be investigated and prosecuted.

Signed. Professionals in the field of migration

Download pdf


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Name Of Kates Playground


This short contains images of some of the social care centers for immigrants in the Community of Madrid have closed. Hear the voices of those affected by the withdrawal or modification of these services, so what was lost: professionals working for integration and the fight for social rights of people of foreign origin in this society.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Label Pirate Ship Parts

February 29 announcing the closure of the Legal Aid Service for people who have suffered racist or xenophobic discrimination promoted by the City of Madrid. It is one of a long list of mechanisms for migrant integration disappears.

Read the full article

Thursday, February 7, 2008

How To Buy A Stanley Cup Replica

Tips "Porsicierran"

Given the situation crossed by many professionals the field of migration who have seen the devices, projects or programs that were working hastily closed what that this entails (uncertainty about the future of the users' own traumatic experiences of workers, inability to make decent closures, closing files, make referrals, order documentation, warn users, etc ...), the platform "Porsicierran " made the list of "tips" hoping they can be useful to those who are forced to go through the same trance.

Download pdf councils

Texting Logs From Sprint

Tumai Magazine Article Published


Resources checkmate the edge of

or Rent day, someone can come up with a closed door where little existed before specialist nursing service. The social management awarded to various entities, foreigners are at the expense of renewal of contracts and administrative delays, causes of Madrid, in so far this year have completed some resources

Read full article

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting Back To Ice Skating After 10 Years

Closed Mostoles and CASI CASI Carabanchel (... and now they're 8)

silently closes and opaque two CASIS (Social Services Centres for immigrants) of the Community of Madrid, in particular, Carabanchel and in the town of Mostoles. The latter was the only service of 80 surrounding municipalities. The same day the closure was removed all traces of the activity conducted therein including nameplates.

Monday, January 7, 2008

How To Build Cement Tub

SOS Racismo Madrid is concerned about the reception and fellowship programs in the Community of Madrid and the Madrid City Council

As associative entity within the scope of the Community of Madrid and has among its objectives the fight against racism and xenophobia, racism MADRID SOS is concerned about the current situation and future action plans reception, care and togetherness.

The plan "Madrid" the city of Madrid and the Regional Immigration plan the Madrid projected a few years ago, are in a deadlock and paralysis due to the uncertainty and lack of information conveyed by the new government team of both administrations.

We are concerned the closure of the Social Care Centers Immigrant Carabanchel, Tetouan, Fuenlabrada, Villalba, Móstoles, as well as the future of the other, which guaranteed basic care and interdisciplinary new residents of foreign origin who settled in those districts or municipalities, and other host-specific resources. Especially since it does not seek alternative remedies to ensure such care. As such, the CEPIS alternatives that do not cater to needs such as emergency foster care or individualized. We are concerned therefore, ignore alternatives and future directions of the Regional Plan of Immigration.

consider in turn worrying lack of information on the evolution of the Service against the racism of the Madrid Bar Association in partnership with the council. The lack of uncertainty is troubling for a resource that SOS Racismo Madrid have been supporting and whose existence we consider important, especially under high level of cases handled and the number led trials. We recall that the city of Madrid is part of the Network of Cities Against Racism sponsored by UNESCO and whose basic commitments have been signed. SOS Racismo Madrid asked to ensure the continuity of this resource and be endowed with means to continue to support the victims of racism in the courts.

Also note that we are concerned about the future of social resources that promote coexistence either through training or participation (EMSI, School of coexistence or the Madrid Forum and the District of coexistence tables.)

We note that closing devices, or the lack of information and confusion about their future have no doubt two groups affected. Users of these resources will suffer the loss of a social resource reference will not be replaced by another similar or the best cessation of services for a while until the clarification of its future.
On the other hand, clearly indicate the damage is done to the workers of these social resources that it will be dismissed or are in a serious time of job uncertainty. Therefore
by this note we want to make a call on the situation of migration and coexistence plans of the Community of Madrid and the city of Madrid. Therefore we want to ensure an alternative to affected by the closure of these devices and to clarify the status of devices which continue to be clear. We believe that the success of social action plans is necessary to ensure stability and continuity for long enough and do not make changes without offering arguments or alternatives. SOS RACISM


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hetalia X Goodnight With Sheep Vol. 8

With budget cuts, closures and changes in services social care of immigrants started this year 2008

Social work promotes problem solving in human relationships, power, social change and empowers people through the exercise of their rights and complaint the failure to satisfy improving coexistence and integration in society. If a city does devices that are responsible for carrying this task would be reduced potential for acting as our population.
In Madrid, both Community and City Council have initiated specific plans integration and coexistence possible to transform the social map that exists today with immigrants, native, plurality of religions and ways of life completely different. Do these plans were actually implemented? The question arises because many of the centers to achieve the sum of all that was proposed have not actually opened and those that have opened their doors have closed on the grounds of the administrations that are not about closures but change in the way care is provided.
According to the Platform of workers and users of these services: "These changes in care due to budget cuts for the new year 2008. Esperanza Aguirre to take over as new President of the Community of Madrid in May 2003 proposed in his campaign end in 2006-2007 with 32 CASIS (Centre for social assistance to immigrants) open. To date this promise has no basis and that in May this year only had 13 CASI having been closed some of them as the Puente de Vallecas and Villaverde. However, throughout this year have opened other centers with different services of CEPIS (Centers for participation and integration of immigrants). " The Socialist Deputy in the Assembly of Madrid Francisco Contreras, in his opinion these centers are serving "electoral interests" of the PP government and are "irrelevant" for the integration of this group. "What paint the Legionaries of Christ" in front of some of these devices? "He said Contreras, who explained that they do" through the Francisco de Vitoria and Opus Dei. "He noted that the centers were born" surrounded by controversy over its use, location and adjudication. "And he criticized the location they had many of these for being away from areas where immigrants reside whose nationality is named in each CEPI. The name and nationality Centro Hispano specifically excluded in the same name to the rest of immigrants of other nationalities. So it generates in the audience a selection of national participation and leads to the formation of ghettos. The Administration claims that these centers have the same function as CASIS when they are closed. However, users in the CEPIS consider making the same professional work in legal disciplines, psychological, employment and health as carried out in the CASIS. In early December there were data sources confirming 6 CASIS closing for January 15, 2008, following the protests generated after 11 December in the social workers' strike for a wage specification is most appropriate decision was modified. In the last week according to sources informed us that until recently blackcurrant were closing, the closing be postponed in some cases like Fuenlabrada until May 2008 and another two months continue.
Meanwhile, the city council in this month where Guateque case is still in a stage of investigation and arrest. Has decided to close a center and Home Care Program for Sub-Saharan population per year was a cost of € 800,000 was provided in the roof for people with traumatic migration processes and in many cases health problems. Also offered counseling, career counseling and legal assistance. The closing process begins on December 13, in a statement to employees informing them that due to a lack bureaucratic processing of concessions and the company that managed the Group 5 action, it has been submitted to the renewal because the budget was halved by the City. On 31 December, the center has closed and people should be moved to a hotel temporarily until another entity assumes responsibility for the program. "Group 5 had proposed to the City a month of continued low output of the company, the proposal was rejected by the technicians of the City "as an employee of the program. On Friday, 28 were transferred from the Plaza de Sales (location that distant from the floor) with a coach hired by the Red Cross. A courier collected all the documentation of all processes during the year carried 900 people and has had no assurance the City Council. The transfer of the users was conducted normal and what is perceived in the environment is sadness and distrust. The transportation used a coach known for them and that on several occasions in Canaries as in the Peninsula were taken in this transport and are also used to repatriate other colleagues who were leaving. At Hotel arrive accompanied by the workers who were with them on the floors throughout the year, journalists and Porsicierran Platform. At no time appeared in the personal service of the City or Red Cross who oversee the program. The only present in the Hotel were employees of the same who then began to enter the social workers who were directing. The Welcome Hotel is located on the tip of the Industrial Park of Villa de Vallecas, 15 minutes by bus from the subway station of Sierra Guadalupe. Hotel staff decide that there should be no journalists in the vicinity of the place and call the police, threatening to report workers, Group 5 and journalists. The program will continue as official releases. However, immigrants have only food and lodging, while no transport, no continuity in the processes of post-operative, or continuity in judicial proceedings, much less a monitor to accompany and guide since language learning was interrupted by Like the program. The Administration recently announced 28 per night that the program was granted the CEAR for half the budget. This information is not reported on the day he attended Technical Calamita Ana City Council Wednesday 26 December, the grounds that such a resolution had been a long time to occur.
Meanwhile, these two months the Red Cross will have no monitor to monitor. Day 31 was experienced another change in the Device No. 7 Service Translators and Interpreters (CETI), according to a "Service of Interpreters and Translators of the City of Madrid in time to perform as was done in person granted service company to attend the consultations on mobile phone applications for translations of social services. "
These are budget cuts that target services to immigrants plans introduced with great fanfare are now water under the bridge .... Although the documents confirming constant heading of funds and actions plans. Where funds have been earmarked for these plans is both the Community of Madrid and the City? According to the City everything is a slow bureaucratic process that has prevented the SSA program is renewed. However, according to the Platform Porsicierran, found that there were conflicting decisions of what is said in the beginning with today, who have taken on the fly according to the news were coming to light. How is it possible that the closure of a management program is slow? And when the news comes to light, in a couple of hours with Red Cross signs agreement for two months in the hostel and the day of the transfer by confirming that CEAR night in March will be the entity to manage the program. All this information was not communicated to day 26, causing an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty among customers and employees.
Where will the money go and what is the decision that instead of designating the care services for immigrants are directed towards other destinations? However, if there is money for a Light and Sound Performance on 23 December in Cibeles, or lights around Madrid or Tree of Illusions. For the holidays the Madrid City Council authorize an expenditure 5,602,381 euros for a single company Madrid Art and Culture (MACS). The Tree of illusion and magic is a cardboard construction. A simple carton of those with whom they are covered from the cold homeless people. Campaign Against the Cold was designated an expense this year of 900,000 for the entire winter for the 20 days of the holidays almost 6 millones.Otra the claims of the Platform is that it is a political strategy where they want the disorientation and wandering of the immigrant population is visible to the rest of society before the 2008 national elections. Moreover, cuts in services and more restrictive measures directed towards the proposal Law Immigration is obvious where the criminalization of immigration and the classification of citizens, the REDI (National Network for Immigrant Rights) claims that this law is institutional racism.
The illusions that we in the fantasy and magic tree located in the Retiro are bubbles of unreality and very expensive ... An artificial tree does not feed on illusions but of life and salaries of all local citizens and immigrants residing in the city.

Para Que Se Usa El Clotrimazole Usp 1

The City Council hastily closed Program Center Home Care and Population Saharan

According to Hall, slow insurmountable the administrative process has led to date December 31, 2007 to close the only device-specific municipal sub-Saharan population. The contest to manage the program has not yet been resolved, and the contract with the entity that currently operated until 31 December 2007.

This closure is taking place in a manner contrary to the ethics and morals, undermining the objective of promoting the integration of sub-Saharan immigration. All work has been carried out from this program will be cast down this disastrous decision and carefree, as if people were using the services boxes transportable from one place to another.

More than 900 people left without attention, as the headquarters of (c /. Good Governor 16, Metro: El Carmen) was the only point of reference for many of these people (which came to learn, seek employment, learning English , leave documentation, etc ...).

50 people from the program supervised apartments will be transferred to hotel Wellcome (c /. Miravete Homes 28. Polígono Industrial Vallecas. Metro: Sierra de Guadalupe), suspending all SOCIAL INTERVENTION: there will be offered board and lodging to February 29, 2008, but no staff that tracks social, psychological and legal of these people. Nor will there be financial aid for their carriage.

The transfer will take place on Friday December 28, at 11 am: Red Cross bus will pick up the people using the SALES side of the bridge (near the bullring).

We are trying to disseminate what has happened to the Program for the City (specifically the Directorate General of Immigration, Development and Voluntary Cooperation, under the Government Department of Family and Social Services) to assume its responsibility in this closure.

Program The workers express our strong disagreement to the way that is occurring closing, and will make the demonstrations required for this action by the City would not be forgotten.

Sincerely, Team

Tae Kwon Do Board Holder

Temporary Closure of Temporary Shelter

Chlamedia Transmited Kissing