Barca back to give lessons in football. A party with a perfect defense, 11 on 10, and a superb attack, como pocos. Juego de toque lento pero seguro, sin acelerarse demasiado. La precaución, Messi, Iniesta y Xavi fueron los artífices de los goles del equipo. Pero nada habría sido real si Mascherano y Abidal no hubieran tenido uno de los mejores partidos de su carrera.
El Arsenal empezó el partido atrás, intentando que el Barça, que defendía en el centro del campo, no tuviera posibilidades de hacer el primer gol pronto. Pero no dejaban de salir mal las cosas al equipo londinense. Szczesny tuvo que retirarse lesionado y dos jugadores ya habían visto tarjeta. Eso podía ser algo bueno para el Barça pero lo más claro no lo quiso ver el colegiado. Hasta dos penaltis se comió el suizo en el primer tiempo. Apart from that, the club only had chances to change the score to open the can ... to the discount. After the first yellow of Van Persie, things changed for the better. Messi had two before the break, the first forgave but the second is not. Cesc was left to it to Iniesta and Messi who made no mistake to Almunia after passing a hat.
After passing through the locker room, Arsenal came out with intention to settle the score. But failed to disturb Victor Valdes. Ironically, the Gunners goal came from a corner that Busquets headed inside to try to clear. A goal from FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto deny it, but the goal I was not. It was time to overcome. More than a half hour ahead and there were two goals down to not having to play extra time. Arsenal know what he is capable and Barca back to their game focused on defense. But they stayed with one less, Van Persie moved to the street and the club, inexplicably, began to play better. The first opportunity the had Alves, but his shot went to the amphitheater. After Villa was wrong. But in one of the best plays of the game came the second goal. To Iniesta Villa and this causes a wall to Xavi, exceeding the English keeper. It was the first of three minutes magnificent. On the next play rival Peter came to the area and contrary defense knocked him down before he could shoot. Messi is taking it easy from the penalty spot and he hit very relaxed, as if it were a decisive penalty. Since then the club is in quarters. But they could get to three more goals had it not been for Almunia would have gone. Two of the time bore the name of Afellay. Since the Dutch jumped onto the field was quite active. He stole the left in no time and the first ball that was nearly brand.
The lengthy 90-minute final, the club can say that it is computer room once more. Wembley is closer, much closer.
ALIGNMENT: Valdes Alves, Busquets, Abidal, Adriano, Maxwell min. 91 -, Xavi, Keita Mascherano-min. 89, Iniesta, Pedro, Messi and Villa-Afellay min. -. 82
CARDS: None.
GOALS: 1-0 49 'Messi, 1-1 53' Busquets (pp), 2-1 69 'Xavi, 3-1 72' Messi. STADIUM
: Camp Nou. 95,486 spectators.
"Arsenal has not been three consecutive passes." Pep Guardiola.
"For quarters, the Lyon, a sign that Madrid beats." Abidal.
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