is getting closer, practically we are entering the countdown ...
This week I finished with 70 km. The most important thing is that it was the week that the average per mile I have gone faster: 4'38 on average every km of the week. This is mainly because I've only done a training "slow" in the week, career and long-Sax Progressive has turned out Sunday to the 25'2 4'37 km.
I think we are on track, I do not know if I started too late to go fast ... on March 6th I'll know. MI
week has been like this:
: 1h 1 '(11.8 km)
WEDNESDAY: 50' PROGRESSIVE + 3 '(11.3 km)
THURSDAY: 13' + 8x1000 + 10 ' (14.2 km)
: Cros Sax in 29'29''(7.6 km)
SUNDAY: 1h50 'PROGRESSIVE + 6' (25.2 km)
In fact, their cros Sax spectacular night once again. Spectacular as the environment within (1500 enrolled, although "only" 1000 runners some failed) and outside (arc lighting the streets, the town dump, despite the cold, ...). Spectacular circuit, touring the old town of Sax and also one of the main streets of town. Spectacular gifts that gave us the organization: hats, sandwiches, backpack, ... And spectacular it is free, so difficult to find today. CONGRATULATIONS TO NIGHT SAX FOR YOUR CROS.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
How Much Did A Nissan Mechanic Make In Ontario
Night of the Hunter: The space that imprisons
Film is, by definition, moving image.
But it is also, in a way inevitable, a succession of images Still, from time detainees being projected at a given speed us the impression of movement, although this does not exist in reality.
The still image is thus the basis of everything.
We will also be film analysis, as is usually the author's intention, and I have no other, has to be also a key part of this modest blog.
Following this path, but this time focusing exclusively on arrest, another section inaugurated today, which as one would otherwise have called "Still", which aims to analyze (as always a So, try to love-not too deep) the importance of frames, the distribution of visual weight and composition of the different scenes in a movie, and their influence on the final reading do the same.
clarify that the claim will not discuss a particular scene, but the whole film, and how we can find patterns that repeat themselves over it, in its various framing and composition.
To explain anything more useful than an example, and in this case I do not think there is more than fitting that we speak of the unique, lyrical and hypnotic film he directed the great actor Charles Laughton in 1955 " Night Hunter. "
I remember how, among many, one of the strongest feelings that overcame me the first time I had the opportunity to see, was the importance of having spaces in the development of architectural history.
The open frames, projected shadows, the careful planning of each of the scenes.
clear That environment made it even more terrible the development of it.
return to it a little more forward.
to follow a certain order, first, by simple and flawless, which is obvious is the inclusion precious title the film.
When it comes to content, form if we talk about respect, we could not find an easier way to link what the title says "night" with what we see "a dark starry sky."

The Rev. Harry Powell, played by Robert Mitchum , has tattooed on his knuckles the word HATE (hate) and LOVE (Love), and that duality (good / bad, light / dark) would mark the whole movie.
In his first presentation, and we will see the inclusion of such words in a somewhat mirror, playing with the symmetry and the reflection (or the front side to be exact).
Although, curiously, most of the time we're going to see the character of Reverend in history will be in the center of the frame, in a fairly symmetrical, as always playing between this duality explained above.
That way of locating it ends up being a way for us not forget the scale of the struggle between opposites, that we have in mind that the fund balance is impossible, but real, and that the two forces are indeed present.
But this game of opposites, the struggle between good and evil is present well beyond the figure of the Reverend.
In the remainder of the characters that inhabit the story (if we except, in almost all cases, children).
Well I can see in this scene where we see Willa, the widow played by Shelley Winters in the bathroom just before entering the bedroom to meet Harry.
We appreciate and one of the constants of which I spoke earlier, and probably included as a paradigm of the "halo intangible" that bathes the entire film: Open Frames, mirror, play of light and shadows, and the importance of the vast architectural space that imprisons and engulfs the characters' personalities.
Much more, again, in this case, where in addition the provision of the character of Willa, (first light and shadows then first right and then left, first one side then the other) us inexorably highlights all the game of opposites.
characters, usually quiet and inscrutable, is no longer swallow so stifling, the neutral, so suffocating, so huge and incomprehensible that space.
Space (spaces) thus become the true protagonist of the film.
always hostile environment, always mysterious, always threatening.
The integration of the characters in that space-in the shadows, away, back, face devoid of movement or life-not only increases that feeling.
There is a disturbing effect. Everything is too far from us, as something elusive, which can not intervene.
We see, we suffer, but we are vetoed the implication, get inside the story.
it ends up being a stressful experience, frustrating, terrible.
And finally, check all the future of film.
are many examples scattered throughout the film. Stairs, bedrooms, basements.
Without being too explicit I show you part of those spaces undaunted accompanying the relentless evolution history.

And to finish the latter area, much more organic, nothing architecture, where the curves supersede the straights, where water replaced the air, where the dark duality replaces the light / shadow, where death evidently replaces life.
is hard not to appreciate how are you spacious compositions influence the overall reading of a film like "The Night of the Hunter." That
stopped time, these still images, these frames studied and asphyxiating condition both the characters of their own history as observers-we-just.
And if we do not appreciate the overall reading intentionality is that chance, apart from mysterious, weave their webs too thoroughly.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Good Protocol Luggage
history of The Troubles Small Train: The poor fools
face it: The evil in the film, gives a lot of play.
stories would not be the same without the figure of the villain, the murderer, the tyrant. Evil, about the same level as lying, are intrinsic to the narrative development.
How boring if not!
But the type of evil in the movies is so varied that it is difficult to classify. Although I throw and I venture to establish three main types:
1) The fascinating
is undoubtedly one of the most game gives. The Harry Lime who played Orson Welles in The Third Man "or Hannibal Lecter , the celebrated murderer played by Anthony Hopkins in "The Silence of the Lambs."
The viewer recognizes the evil in them but can not stop feeling trapped and drawn to a figure that shows power and control of the situation.
2) The odious:
From the Rev. Harry Powell embroidered Robert Mitchum in "Night of the Hunter" the still disturbing Joker that Heath Ledger gave us in "The Dark Knight", represent themselves to the evil in its purest form, and the relationship with the viewer is without equivocation.
3) The Fool:
Evil also is (or can be) naive. Normally
comedies in stories where the drama does not have much weight or a lot of animation, the figure of the villain is represented by a character rather clumsy, with bad intentions but worse results, and that especially at the end of the film, is I just love catching enough.
Some of that figure we can see in the movie " Troubles a small train," a comedy from Ealing British production, directed by Charles Crichton in 1952.
The struggle of the inhabitants of a small village to continue to operate its rail line as opposed to the (poor fools) employees of a new bus company, which will bring a thousand and one difficulties will lead to the adventures that make the film.
We will discuss today a small scene in this movie, where we can see how the ellipses narrated masterfully mixing behavior of the villains, which is presented to the mysterious and comical pair.
And all in just a half minute video:
have to do more, why use more planes or what to give more information if the offer is more than enough.
Then we realize that it is not us that we were seeing. Two of the employees of the bus line which is observed by following a fence.
In this first presentation of the characters and see the duality mentioned above, although the gesture seriously because we do not bode well, equal attire and equality in the gesture (the four hands on the wooden fence) will give the scene a comic air.
To delve into this comedy (similar to that of Thomson and Thompson of Tintin) the two characters trace their movements.
This time, on the same plane as above, we see how they look back, where is located the engine.
After that first look, then turn to look at each other (in a gesture even more funny) and where we suggest that they have done something wrong (some sabotage) to the engine.
This is probably one of the things I'm most interested in the story: Do not tell us what have made, we have seen how have, do not even know where have spoken.
Not only do not need more, is that okay not tell us.
Thus the audience identify more with the "good" history, which will rise the next day completely unaware of what happened.
characters, content, jump the fence and disappear quietly into the shadows.
then returns to have a fade to black, and opens the story in the room of one of the inhabitants of the village where the alarm goes off and starts a day full of surprises adventures ...
This simple and effective as we are told (without show) everything the viewer needs to know to remain engaged with the story. We know something will happen, we know that will train human rights defenders in trouble, but we are also fully aware that eventually triumphed and, almost certainly, those bad comic and naive eventually fighting between on blame them for failing in the attempt.
What we never to find out, in this dynamic villains and naive, where we could place the Coyote and Roadrunner. Not only because what category, but-much harder in this case who is good, and who is evil ...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Shaded Region Segmented Circle Pentagon
Half Marathon Santa Pola 2011
After sleeping well, important to not always get it, we have in the starting line, David and I with the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing fast, but ... our position in the output is not the best, 2 or 3 thousand people before us made it difficult to get out fast, so that the next day and I will, now go to another rhythm.
José M ª, Pepa and David Izquierdo before the race.
output is given and it took about a minute to pass through it. Moreover, the first km we do walk in sections, slowly in others, and forward when you can ... at 4'36''. Then you definitely decided not to force and retain either too little. David continues to front, is very strong and then it was time to show.

Santa Pola is always special. With a very nice circuit and an unbeatable atmosphere. The cool morning was that the public was more apathetic than usual, but still, when we walked through the streets of more atmosphere, the emotion makes the legs to run faster and enjoy even more of what we like.
As for the pace I've taken have been between 4 'and 4'10 most km, although some have been on 4'20 me, when I crossed coinciding with the front runners because advantage to look with an eye to "red bullet" de Villena and gave them some encouragement. Ivan, Peter, David, Joe, ... carrerón have done around the front. He also went around front Miguel, the driver, but I have not seen, certainly was in the shirt of Elche, je je ...
During the race I overtook John Ayelo, today was not in the best conditions, but 1.30 should lose soon. And Philip, who has recovered from his injury, because the balloon was 1.30 cerquita. Gonzalo Emilio, with whom I agreed on a stretch of the race, have made carrerón with 1h36 and 1H32 respectively. The tempranillo are that we left. Congratulations to both because they are very close to their best times.
But for me the highlights of the club today were David Izquierdo, who has stuck a chunk leaving his mark in 1h23 (and catch and hide me, I am sure soon enough is because you can download more) . And Pepa, my wife, who in her debut half marathon has made an impressive mark of 1h54, accompanied by Lali, wife of Samuel, who also debuted in the distance.
Ultimately, the red bullets have left the flag up high. As for my feelings have been positive at all times, the pace of 4'10 so I could take some "comfortable." Despite this, and thinking Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdo not know if the pace is so easy to bend in the second half, I think not. Right now I do not look down 3 hours, I see nothing good about being a Minutillo above, but everything will come ...
The next half ... Orihuela in three short week.
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week marked above all by the average Santa Pola, which until the last moment I have not decided how to run it. It has been well:
: 10.5 km
WEDNESDAY: 15 '+ 7x1000 + 13'. THURSDAY
13.8 km: 10.3 km (tired)
SATURDAY: 5km soft 3 changes corticos
Total weeks: 60 km. Anything less than the last two, the next back up ...
week marked above all by the average Santa Pola, which until the last moment I have not decided how to run it. It has been well:
: 10.5 km
WEDNESDAY: 15 '+ 7x1000 + 13'. THURSDAY
13.8 km: 10.3 km (tired)
SATURDAY: 5km soft 3 changes corticos
Total weeks: 60 km. Anything less than the last two, the next back up ...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
How Expensive Are Pep Meds
The Quince Tree Sun vs Dexter vs. The Terminal: A device in crescendo
Author's note: The piece chosen for the series Dexter for the last chapter of the third season, so there is inevitably important disclosures relating to the plot. Having already completed the issuance of the fifth, I understand that the time past is reasonable, but it is worth noticing.
In most cases we speak of time in film, we are talking about how to tell you something that, having happened at a particular time, we need to recount at least.
speak so that the narrative is less time than real time.
A dinner, a conference, an auction, a football game ... all these actions come at last and it lasts a movie and of course this is no way ...
So we have to reduce the time narrated.
A classic, used in many film is the cast parts of an action that takes place on a fixed frame.
see on stage does not change as one or more characters will develop a specific action, so that the character appears and disappears in different attitudes that have just completed the action.
Developing my eclectic taste, I brought three examples (each well into the narrative of the author) where we will see variations on this technique.
The first is what we find at the beginning of the movie " The Quince Tree Sun," directed by Victor Erice in 1992.
is the most classic and content of the three.
By way of preamble, before starting the story, we see the painter Antonio López mount the fabric onto the frame. To tell it, respecting the rhythm imposed by the operator meticulous to the whole process, the director uses a very soft and long cast.
I will see better in this video:
insist that seems to have a double motive in using this trick: one hand to have something hard enough in less time, and the other dealing to bring to the screen and reflect the very spirit of the author and his method of work.

It's not just the ostentation of the elements that end up crowding, but how the action actually begins with a more closed (which will give us all the information you need to know) to be open until the action starts really.
I have in this video:
As I say the performance is more complex, as the plane begins with a closeup of one of the main characters of this third season.
From there the plane climbs at a time that is emerging, and appreciate overhead perspective like the character has been assassinated.
The plane continues opening until it reaches the point where it will remain fixed and which will develop all the events of the story: A runner who discovers the corpse, the police arrived, the fire, how to seal off the place, until Dexter, the protagonist, arrives at the crime scene.
All that cash in less than a minute.
But if we go a step further in the device, where we will find is in this film that is half no way, directed by Steven Spielberg and called " The Terminal."
Here we see a back nut over the use of fades, and instead of the characters appear and disappear, we will see simultaneously, while at the same time, several actions we have been made at different times.
The video speaks for itself:
thus coincide in the development of this action, we can see two or three characters (who plays Tom Hank ) simultaneously scene.
Far is the cadence and the thoroughness of the work of Antonio López in their study compared with that of Viktor Navorski in particular Terminal .
And it is also interesting to note as though somehow use the same effects, the same devices, the same resources, their deployment and implementation on site permanently marking just the imprint of it.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Skin Undertones And Race
complicated last week for various reasons. Today (Monday 17) I have an exam in college and I've been busy all week studying at odd times ... and also my small has not had a good week (things of the age and time of year) so that adding these two factors, I've slept and rested very little.
However, we have saved the week with some training demanding, as of Wednesday and Sunday. The week has been like this:
- TUESDAY: 12.6 km
progression - WEDNESDAY: 15.8 km (3 sets of 4km 4'05 / 4'00 / 3'54 km respectively)
- FRIDAY: 9.2 km
- SATURDAY: 12.5 km
- SUNDAY: 25.5 km in half an hour between km 12-13 until 20 to pace (4'10-4'20)
Good week, totaling 75'7 km, not as many as last week but sufficient.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wholesale Chicken Wings In Houston
The National Film Board of Canada: Norman McLaren and the origins of NFB
"They say that the most important animation is the interpretation, because the cartoonist is a frustrated actor too shy or insecure to go on stage "
Or those crazy, in their Flying Machines ...
rescued today a priceless document that had the great fortune to record in VHS in the late eighties (the logo of La 2 will attest to that), and belongs to a material that, if time permits, I want to go digitizing and uploading to the Web to share, then (when they had as I have looked everywhere and not giving him) understand that there may be few opportunities to take many people to view it.
In this case the film called "The Light Fantastick" and discusses the origins of the NFB, the National Film Board of Canada , the renowned producer organization and publicly supported early in the decade of the 40 brought to the place John Grierson and Norman McLaren .

I must admit that I recorded this documentary before knowing the work of McLaren, and therefore before I feel fascinated by it and inevitably become one of my references.
boundless imagination, the desire to innovate, the spirit of sacrifice, the public will, everything is mixed in the work of this universal Scotland in the Canadian study found the perfect vehicle to teach, create and communicate.
But "The Light Fantastick" is much more.
is the story of a dream come true. Is the realization that art and commercialism are not incompatible. It is a delightful journey by authors and works (Evelyn Lambart, Caroline Leaf, Jacques Drouin, Lotte Reiniger, etc), by concerns ranging from the absolute breaking the conservation of tradition and folklore.
There cutouts, drawings, machine needles, sand, glass or clay. Everything worth
and anything goes.
The NFB continues to exist, and are worth visiting their web , where you will find both current and classic works of the study.
But if you want to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it was, what led to those crazy about the animation to come together to unleash all your fantasies, your projects and dreams (sharing, enriching each other) have a look at this documentary .
Dura total of 55 minutes.
Maybe in this era of rapid and excessive consumption of information you deem too long.
I tell you no. I've
divided into four blocks, things like technology, which will allow you to see whether or pull. I, once I give the play, I can not stop.
I hope you enjoy.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hiring Mcdonalds Brampton
miles a week I still increasing, this week I pasaoooo ... have been 84 km in total.
I have not really made any real length, the key has been that I have trained 6 days (although one of them just 4km to release my gift of kings, the adidas Snover glide 2), and two of them have passed 20 km.
My week has been this:
: 1h 15 'very easy with some Cuestecilla (13 km)
WEDNESDAY: 20 km + 2 km smooth progressive (22 km)
THURSDAY: 21' soft (4 , 1 km)
FRIDAY: 18 '+ 6x5' + 15 '(14.6 km)
SATURDAY: 50' by Mountain (10 km)
SUNDAY: 5 '+ 20' to 5 '+ 20' to 4'45 + 20 'to 4'30 + 25' to 4'15 + 5 '(20.5 km)
Good week. Good feeling almost every day, except on Friday (a little heavy on the changes) and Saturday in the mountains (I went out soon after eating and ...)
One more and another less ...
I have not really made any real length, the key has been that I have trained 6 days (although one of them just 4km to release my gift of kings, the adidas Snover glide 2), and two of them have passed 20 km.
My week has been this:
: 1h 15 'very easy with some Cuestecilla (13 km)
WEDNESDAY: 20 km + 2 km smooth progressive (22 km)
THURSDAY: 21' soft (4 , 1 km)
FRIDAY: 18 '+ 6x5' + 15 '(14.6 km)
SATURDAY: 50' by Mountain (10 km)
SUNDAY: 5 '+ 20' to 5 '+ 20' to 4'45 + 20 'to 4'30 + 25' to 4'15 + 5 '(20.5 km)
Good week. Good feeling almost every day, except on Friday (a little heavy on the changes) and Saturday in the mountains (I went out soon after eating and ...)
One more and another less ...
My workouts of the week:






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