Monday, February 14, 2011

What Is My Chicken Soup Missing?

Half Marathon 2011 Orihuela

had to be in Orihuela, my preferred medium for brand. In this race I have 3 times 1h23 which until yesterday was my best record, but let's start from the beginning ...

With Alberto, and David Izquierdo Puche moments before departure.

Great participation of "red balls" in Orihuela, and this time for real, leave the flag up high. We join the dorsal collecting villeneros several groups: the Requena and Paco Ubeda (The whiskers), who participated in half a later time. Puche Juan and Alberto, who also ran Orihuela overlooking Barcelona. The group of Orihuela supertempranillos they were about before they started handing out the bibs, Eduardo, Juan, the Piti and Gaspar. Pedro (the shadow), Sheba, Ivan abogao van and go machines. The brothers Izquierdo, Pascu and a server. NO named the motorcyclist because he would not red, je je ... but many of us with the intention of going all out in this half. The day promised.

output as planned, at the top, stretching his arm almost touched Andrew Mico, je je ... The start was very fast for me but with a good feeling (3'37 and 3'47 the first two km). Soon the Piti catches me and passes me, I think because I'm not going to see more in this race. David Izquierdo also reach me and do a fast mile, but I had the feeling of being even with the brake dip (3'57 the km 3 and 4). David is very comfortable and lunges forward, I advise you to go in groups because it makes little wind. Over the next mile my pace does not decrease, indeed, faster than I originally expected. My initial idea was to get to 3'55 far as he could and within the next km below: 3'46 / 3'46 / 3'52 / 3'51 / 3'48 / 3'53 to reach 10 in 38 km '18''I think my record in the 10,000, almost na. In these miles I go in a group with a good feeling, sheltered from the wind, not punish me (heh heh, I think tailgating !!!), I do not take into account and follow with a good rhythm. At this point in the race and I think I'm going to get, that after so much time trying this will be good, but soon I try not to think about it and devote myself to run and try to keep pace. The next three miles, 11, 12 and 13, I quickly 3'46 / 3'53 / 3'51, and comfortable. So far I have not had anything at all, I have been enjoying especially stand to see how these rhythms and "without much effort." Starting on 13/14 and I'm not so loose, but here I get a great news because I do not see the poster of km 14 and when we are almost at 15 asked "Have we already passed the 14?", some of the group looks at me sourly and someone answers "we are there before 15." I believe this has happened to us all and puts a good body you can not see ... like save a km je je. During all these miles I seeing David Izquierdo and Piti few meters ahead and reach them on 15/16 and I advise you try to follow, that the pace is good and that group is doing better. They do, how are the two, my mother! Soon the Piti is delayed in the group but is not picked up. The rate remains high, lower than expected. On 14 and 15 do not know how I went but I made the 2 mile in 7.50. 16, 17 and 18 in 3'50 / 3'52 / 3'55. And from here, and now, to suffer. The group gathers pace, David is still with them and the Piti and I can not and we were somewhat delayed. No matter, we well below the expected time, but we must continue. The last mile suffering and poque while enjoying now was convinced that had it in his pocket. 4.04 4'01 and 19 and 20. 21 +97 m 4'17, pressing at the end as the last line I saw the clock at 1'21 "and pick and saw the 1'22 was going to leave for another day, but because this time the clock would be better . Finally 1'21'40, arms up and screaming with joy.

In the group thanks to which I could keep up with 3'50 for many miles.

Piti I would like to congratulate its great brand and especially my compilation of workouts, David Izquierdo carrying a bestial progression and got down to 1h21.

Part of the "red bullet" that ran in Orihuela.



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